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General Items refers to all common items sold and offered by vendors. In the modern Fallout game, these items would be found the Aid and Junk categories. However currently in Ashes Town, none of these items have any use.

Item List

Icon Item Buy Price Sale Price Source Extra Notes
Bandages clean.png Bandages (clean) 20 Thumb - ? Thumb ? Thumb - ? Thumb Copper Caps -
Bandages dirty.png Bandages (dirty) ? Thumb - ? Thumb ? Thumb - ? Thumb Copper Caps -
Link= Beer Mug Beer Mug No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from Beer Mug pile Can not be stored, can be used at the Beer Keg to fill the glass becoming a Mug of Beer.
Blowtorch.png Blowtorch 3 Thumb 1 Thumb Can be found around the Wasteland -
Book 1.png Book No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from a Book Pile or a Book shelf Comes in a blue color.
Book 2.png Book No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from a Book Pile or a Book shelf Comes in a green color.
Book 3.png Book No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from a Book Pile or a Book shelf Comes in a purple color.
Book 4.png Book No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from a Book Pile or a Book shelf Comes in a red color.
Book 5.png Book No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from a Book Pile or a Book shelf Comes in a tan color.
Chemlight blue.png Chemlight (blue) 5 Thumb - 14 Thumb 2 Thumb - 4 Thumb Copper Caps Produces a blue aura when held.
Chemlight green.png Chemlight (green) 5 Thumb - 14 Thumb 2 Thumb - 4 Thumb Copper Caps Produces a green aura when held.
Chemlight red.png Chemlight (red) 5 Thumb - 14 Thumb 2 Thumb - 4 Thumb Copper Caps Produces a red aura when held.
Chemlight yellow.png Chemlight (yellow) 5 Thumb - 14 Thumb 2 Thumb - 4 Thumb Copper Caps Produces a yellow aura when held.
Clipboard.png Clipboard 3 Thumb - 10 Thumb 1 Thumb - 3 Thumb Copper Caps -
Condensed milk.png Condensed milk 5 Thumb 2 Thumb Muffin Time -
Crystal.png Crystal No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from a Crystal Minecart from the Cave Emits a Rose colored light.
Link= Duct tape Duct tape 9 Thumb 3 Thumb Mehanika -
Extinguisher.png Extinguisher No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from Fire extinguisher Case -
Link= Lantern Lantern 3 Thumb 1 Thumb Copper Caps Emits warm light in a decent radius.
Medkit.png Medkit No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from Wall-mounted Medkits -
Mug.png Mug No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from a Drinks cabinet and the Mug Table -
Potion green.png Potion (green) 5 Thumb - 14 Thumb 2 Thumb - 4 Thumb Copper Caps -
Potion magenta.png Potion (magenta) 5 Thumb - 14 Thumb 2 Thumb - 4 Thumb Copper Caps -
Potion orange.png Potion (orange) 5 Thumb - 14 Thumb 2 Thumb - 4 Thumb Copper Caps -
Potion purple.png Potion (purple) 5 Thumb - 14 Thumb 2 Thumb - 4 Thumb Copper Caps -
Potion red.png Potion (red) 5 Thumb - 14 Thumb 2 Thumb - 4 Thumb Copper Caps -
Rope.png Rope No Buy Price No Sell Price Can be obtained from a Rope Rack in the Cave -
Syringe blue.png Syringe (blue) 3 Thumb - 11 Thumb 1 Thumb - 3 Thumb Copper Caps -
Syringe green.png Syringe (green) 3 Thumb - 11 Thumb 1 Thumb - 3 Thumb Copper Caps -
Syringe orange.png Syringe (orange) 3 Thumb - 11 Thumb 1 Thumb - 3 Thumb Copper Caps -
Syringe red.png Syringe (red) 3 Thumb - 11 Thumb 1 Thumb - 3 Thumb Copper Caps -
Teapot.png Teapot 5 Thumb 2 Thumb Muffin Time -