Items/Ranged Weapons

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Ranged Weapon Items are a number of mouth held items which are based off ranged weapons which have at one point been used in a Fallout Game, or act as a homage to a weapon in a Fallout Game. All of these items can be purchased and sold to Nitro Express.

As of the most recent update, Ranged weapons are not functional. However, functionality it is projected to be implemented in an unknown future update.

Item List

Icon Item Buy Price Sale Price Extra Notes
10mm pistol.png 10mm pistol 10 Thumb - 29 Thumb 3 Thumb - 9 Thumb
10mm SMG.png 10mm SMG 5 Thumb - 26 Thumb 2 Thumb - 8 Thumb
12.7mm pistol.png 12.7mm pistol 10 Thumb - 29 Thumb 3 Thumb - 9 Thumb
9mm pistol.png 9mm pistol 5 Thumb - 12 Thumb ? Thumb - ? Thumb
9mm SMG.png 9mm SMG 3 Thumb - 23 Thumb 1 Thumb - 7 Thumb
Dynamite.png Dynamite 10 Thumb - 29 Thumb 3 Thumb - 9 Thumb
Flare gun.png Flare gun 3 Thumb - 7 Thumb 1 Thumb - 2 Thumb Can also be occasionally found in the Wasteland
Grenade.png Grenade 10 Thumb - 29 Thumb 3 Thumb - 9 Thumb
Laser raygun.png Laser raygun 31 Thumb - 79 Thumb 9 Thumb - 24 Thumb
Magnum.png Magnum 5 Thumb - 12 Thumb 2 Thumb - 4 Thumb
Molotov.png Molotov 10 Thumb - 29 Thumb 3 Thumb - 9 Thumb
Plasma blaster.png Plasma blaster 31 Thumb - 79 Thumb 9 Thumb - 24 Thumb
Scrap revolver.png Scrap revolver 3 Thumb - 7 Thumb 1 Thumb - 2 Thumb
Scrap pistol.png Scrap pistol 3 Thumb - 7 Thumb 1 Thumb - 2 Thumb
Scrap SMG.png Scrap SMG 3 Thumb - 7 Thumb 1 Thumb - 2 Thumb