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An Effect is something which can modify the way your screen appears. They are brought on by consuming either Consumeable item or Interactible item, and will manipulates the way the game makes the world around you appear, it can even cause effects in game to the Player. Effects are connected to the pony which consumed it, meaning switching ponies will cause the effect to appear or disappear depending on if you are switching to or from an affected pony.Currently, there are only two Status Effects in Ashes Town.


Idle swaying animation.gif

A Pony will become Intoxicated after consuming alcohol from the Saloon. The player's pony will change to one of the "drunken" expressions and use an idle swaying animation when standing still. A distortion filter is applied to the screen, and a filter will slur the player's dialogue when in chat. The latter two can be turned off in the player's settings; under Graphics and Chat, respectively.

The severity of the effects depends on the type and quantity of the drink consumed. Overconsumption of alcohol can actually kill a player and send them to the 'You Died!' screen with the flavor text: "You died from drinking way more than necessary!". The player will receive a warning message in the form of a thought bubble from their character when near the overconsumption limit. Stronger drinks like Evergrain and Vodka will cause greater intoxication-- and death from overconsumption-- in fewer units. Drinking Water can negate and get rid of the effects caused by intoxication.


A Pony will hallucinate after taking Mint-als bought from Copper Caps or found within the Sewer. The player's pony will not display any physical change, but a "psychedelic" hue effect and motion blur will be applied to the player's screen.

Similar to alcohol, the overconsumption of Mint-als will cause the death of a player's pony. After death, the player is sent to the 'You Died!' screen with the flavor text: "You died from a Mint-als overdose!". The player will receive a warning message after consuming four Mint-als, one away from the overconsumption limit.