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Barker is a dog Inhabitant NPC that lives in Copper Caps' in the Wasteland. It is unknown when they were added, however it is possible that they were added alongside Copper Caps in the v1.15.0 Update.


Barker is a dog with a brown body with dark grey colored areas around their body, specifically on their muzzle, ears, rear and tail, they also have black eyes. Barker's appearance resembles that of a German Shepard. During Hearth's Warming Eve, Barker will be seen wearing a red nightcap with a white trim and pom-pom.


Barker only has one line to say. Once having said the line, they will rotate their head to look behind them and return it back to the front, before repeating the line. This will be done ad nauseam. Using the boop action to "pet" them, will interrupt the cycle to play a unique animation with Barker opening their mouth in a joyous manner.

Click to
  • Bark!
If the Boop action is used upon them.
  • 😵 (However it will be rendered using the respective Ashes Town Emoticon)


  • Barker is likely a reference to Fallout 4's Dogmeat, who is also a German Shepard with similar design.
  • Unlike all other NPCs, Barker, thinks his lines instead of speaking them outloud. However as this thinking isn't recorded in the Chat Log, it can be concluded that their unique NPC text option is similar to the Party text option, and has a thinking variant.
  • Barker is currently the only accessible NPC who has a unique text option when interacted with. The Overmare first had this feature, however the introduction of her desk it made it impossible to interact with her, as such her unique text option can not be triggered.
